Wednesday 10 December 2008

Home-Made Quesadilla

Step 1: get the meat of choice (i used chicken), cheese and tortilla wraps.

Step 2: grate the cheese into a container and pull the meat off the bone and place in a seperate container.

Step 3: warm up the meat of choice and place on top of ONE flat tortilla wrap.

Step 4: place the grated cheese on top of the meat

Step 5: cover the whole thing with another tortilla wrap. at this point i realised i'd just made a sandwich lol

Step 6: place into the grill and keep checking until the cheese has melted both wraps together but isn't too crispy

Step 7: MUNCH IT! at this point i like to mix hot sauce and mayonnaise to make 'peppernaise', unfortunately im broke so i didnt have any hot sauce in the demo but im sure i dont have to show you how to use hot sauce.

enjoyyyyy =]

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