Saturday 28 February 2009


Ok i saw this and tried to ignore it but this new FRONT re-vamp shit is just taking the piss, since when did they love alt girls THIS much, ive never seen a beautifully tattooed and pierced woman in any of these mens mags (vikki blows doesn't count......sorry) before so why should we now accept them as the 'alt mens mag' FUCK OFF!!
theyre are so many other independent alt modeling agencies that get over looked coz of shit like this. Everyone knows how hard it is to break into the modeling world ESPECIALLY when your inked so what do you think is going to happen when a big name mag like for example FRONT turn around and say 'ACTUALLY YOUR TATTOOS AREN'T SO UGLY NOW'? use your brains people.

girls don't fall for this bullshit i cant stress this enough, they aren't trying to EMPOWER you, they're exploiting you because the sales in they're magazine have probably dropped due to the resession and need a gimmick to boost sales or some shit, tbh i dont really know why im getting so upset about this coz the REAL girls with the REAL opinions will see straight through this crock of shit and just see that you can put as many store bought and tattoos and stargazer eyeliner on as many ho's as you like but it means FUCK ALL!!

call me a hater all you like =]
but im sorry if i've offended anyone but to be fair if you got offended,
you needed to read this!

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