Darren Navarrette,
Neil Heddings,
Al Partanen,
Stu Graham,
Sam Hitz,
David Gravette,
Adrian Mallory,
Taylor Bingaman
and more
Saw this the other day at work and was blown away.
Cant lie while putting it in the DVD player i did have that sinking feeling it was gonna be one of those unbearable 'blacklabelblackout'- esque hesh videos. You know the type!! flashing scenes, black and white, checkerboard print, poor camera tricks and the whole soundtrack being off the same Jacksonville roadside sampler or something, Fucking hate that shit!! luckily thats no where to be found in 'Hesh Law'
HESH LAW GOES HARD!!! and the Barrier Cult section alone is worth watching it for.
I liked the fact that i wasn't toooo familiar with the team before i watched the video so it was a good introduction, plus Taylor bingaman flips up the video with some G-Funked out part and Darren navarette graces us with a nice old school epic vert section....TOOO SICK!!
video shows that hesh skating aint getting left behind in the new age of over-tech skating
HASH LAW comes in two versions: normal skating version and the X-RATED adult version
make sure you go see both!!!
See!! =]
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